Ian Cooper
Ian is a friendly, easy-going guy who was absolutely not ready for spirits to suddenly take an interest in him. But with the help of friends, both old and new, and a loyal dog spirit by his side, Ian is learning that the unknown can be fun.

Trevor is a husky spirit and Ian’s partner, or familiar. He’ll do everything he can to protect Ian when he needs to, otherwise Trevor is happy just hanging out.

James Kim
James and Ian have been best friend since high school, and though initially unsure about Ian’s sudden ability to see spirits, James has now come to terms with it and their friendship is as solid as ever.

Val was directly responsible for Ian’s introduction to the spirit world. It was an accident, but she’s not really sorry about it. Val loves being a ghost hunter, and Ian seems cool, so she’s glad he’s part of this world now too.

Evan is the head spirit-smith at the OGH base and is responsible for creating weapons that can damage evil spirits. He’s also an excellent teacher, and has taken to teaching Ian about energy control.
