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The Cursed Hunter 064

We're back! A brand new site with a brand new page. There are actually a few pages up that never made it to the old version of the site but were posted to bluesky, so I'm counting them as new-ish. Skip back a bit to take a look.

Also! There are a few new selections up in the menu for you to look at: a cast page, which I can't believe I had never made before, and an extras page, which includes a gallery of old OGH art. There are still a couple house cleaning things to take care of so if you see something that looks off, please let me know so I can add it to the list.

Ian's Words Mean Things shirt is real! It was designed by Jay Edidin and you can get one for yourself here.

SpiderForest Webcomic Collective!

I’m so excited to announce that The Organization of Ghost Hunters is now part of SpiderForest! SpiderForest is a webcomic collective run by amazing and talented webcomic creators. It’s a webring, not a publisher. Everyone there is generous with their knowledge and willing to help no matter how long they’ve been in the game. I’m so lucky to have found this group. There’s a new banner at the top of the page and new button at the bottom that advertise other SF comics, so if you see one that looks interesting, check it out!